7 Jan 2009

Advertise at blog to increase more traffic and visitor

Many advertisers ask, what can i get if i advertise on blogs? and of course you can get more backlink and traffic for your blog. The internet is one of the preferred media for the publisher to get traffic and visitors, so that can give more rank your web or blog at the eye of search engine, for example: when the visitors would to search the information at search engine web like google and yahoo, when they choose keywords at search engine, your blog or web will be show at the first row and page at the search engine web, especially if your following advertising network at payingpost where your web will be review by the blogger, and of course visitors will know that your web as a provider of the information.

Payingpost until now are the best blog advertising where the advertisers and publishers meet, beside that payingpost gave more easy for advertisers to choose whose the right blog have to specify requirement to review your web. So, i think this is the right for you advertisers to choose to increase your traffic and visitors.

Many publishers blog with high traffic and rank are joined at payingpost So what are you waiting for, let's join at network advertising payingpost and get more easy for advertise your web with us.

12 komentar:

  1. maaf, aku orang bodo...nggak bisa bahasa inggris...

  2. thank your share i am go join payingpost :o

  3. coba ah..thanks infonya

  4. payingpost neh kok ga approve2 postinganku ya, padahal dah 1 bulan lebih,. heran.. akhirnya saya delete soalnya ga jelas,,

  5. @ika: mungkin mba ikha sudah pernah membahas payingpost dalam blog mba ikha, soalnya dlam persetujuan review itu apabila kita sudah pernah membahas payingpost pada artikel sblumnya, maka review tersebut akan dtolak oleh pihak payingpost, apakah mba ikha pernah mereview payingpost sblumnya?

  6. I've read quite a lot about payingpost but haven't joined it yet. Do they have many jobs available right now?

  7. kayakna review ne ... wah dapet duit :o

  8. My blog traffic has increased 500% more on average! That’s not bad for doing nothing. What am I saying?

  9. @ekkei: until now, many advertisers was join at payingpost
    @ono: blog mas ono ga usah ikutan beriklan memang sudah banyak pengunjung nya :P

  10. semakin melejit saja niiihhh...
    selamat atas approve reviewnya; nunggu payment ya yaaahhh...;

  11. ide yang patut dicoba,
    thanks for sharing

  12. Cara Ikutan Kontes gmn nih?


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